What will you learn
from this book?
Every journey starts with a first step. This book guides you through the first step and gives you the tools to take it to the last.
This book is filled with wisdom I believe in, and I hope that it resonates with you too.
Be One Inch Better
We will go together through a journey in becoming One Inch Better with every step.
Every chapter is like its own journey, with interconnecting pathways and laws.
Make Life Simpler
My goal is simple. To make your life simpler and easier, because what I have learned from it can be passed on to you, and you can get a head start!
Take a Bite before the Dish
Don’t try the whole meal. Take an appetizer first. An Amuse-Bouche!

Chapter 1 – Removing Toxic Energy
- The Book will begin with a physics quote related to Energy.
“Energy cannot be destroyed. It transmits from one source to another and can take various forms.” - The 1st chapter will cover the basic premise of the Book, its purpose and then leave a cliffhanger for the readers to stay interested in what could come next in the chapters.
- The chapter will talk about how every individual on this planet has Energy.
- No matter which gender, age, or status you belong to, you either have a positive or negative energy that you strongly exhibit.
- Another fact with Energy is that it can not be destroyed. It is either transferred from one object to another, one human to another, or takes up various forms one by one.
- Similarly, when a person has negative Energy inside them (meaning that they think negatively, whenever another person comes in close contact with them, their Energy is automatically transferred to them. Hence, we can say that how strongly and quickly a negative person can make YOU harmful.
- That is the reason why negative people must be avoided at all costs. Or else they will leave an impact on you. They will make your positivity into negative (since positive negative is negative, as per physics)
- Moreover, the first chapter will end with a note that there are few things other than reducing toxic people from a life that can help you live a happier life.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference links
Chapter 2 – Changing Perspective
- In this chapter, the tone will change to more provoking and motivational.
- You are the key driver to your success, and no one else in this world can change that in any way.
- You can determine your future regardless of what goes around you.
- We often think that people around us can help us succeed, and there is no one else and no other thing that can help you attain a particular thing. We are wrong. Only we can help ourselves, and it is only us who can surely destroy us as well.
- The trick is to know when to start and when to stop or unless we will never achieve anything in our lives.
- Changing perspectives means refreshing your mind and start thinking unbiasedly.
- If you dwell too much on what others have done and think, then you will get nowhere.
- Staying a believer is the key to let others believe in your dream.
- Furthermore, the need to see life from a neutral perspective is necessary. It aids in guiding you to lead a life that is free of others’ opinions.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 3 – Removing Negative Beliefs
- This chapter will continue to motivate the readers and tell them how you can eliminate negative beliefs.
- Look for pieces of evidence and facts rather than just being manipulative.
- Being easy will make people get attracted to you and try to put you down.
- They will put words in your ears and make you harmful.
- Moreover, don’t just believe anyone. Don’t be fooled.
- There are evil people, and you might not even be aware of them, so next time someone tries to tell you something about a certain someone, think thrice before you believe it. Please don’t believe it until you see things for yourself. This will help you counter all the bad from your life.
- Following this process will reduce your anxiety levels and make you not doubt yourself.
- Self-love and anxiety are the most harmful things for your mind, and you cannot build anxiety and low self-esteem, especially when you have so much planned for your future.
- Being successful requires a confident mindset.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference links)
Chapter 4 – Self Love
- Chapter 4 will have values and the way of treating yourself as the basic premises.
- These two factors play a significant role in your life if you wish to get successful.
- Values mean those certain factors, habits, attitudes, and beliefs that you cannot sacrifice no matter what and how is in front of you.
- It can be lying to someone, harming someone deliberately, or manipulating someone.
- Self-love is significant even to live everyday life. Without it, any man or woman will not be able to live their life peacefully.
- Moreover, people often think and misunderstand self-love as being selfish. It is NOT selfish. It is your right, and there should be no doubt about this.
- Thinking about yourself and making yourself a priority does not mean you are selfish about what you want; you can still care about others.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 5 – Creating Healthy Routines For Yourself
- This chapter will talk about the significance of having a routine.
- They say that the secret to getting success is being disciplined. If you have specific life principles, you are punctual, and you have a sense of responsibility, then nothing can stop you from achieving whatever you aim for.
- A healthy routine does not only mean eating the right food. It also means to have good and positive habits which have an optimistic impact on your career, mental and emotional well-being.
- Moreover, people are different, so not every way of living can work for everyone. One must identify themselves, study themselves and figure out the best way to become one today.
- Learning things from the people around you and then following in their footsteps Is the best way to utilize the goodness around you.
- Creating a healthy routine is not a difficult or a hefty task, but maintaining it can be tricky.
- So, find a balance, and then stay steadfast and determined to keep it going.
- Finding a balance is a tricky thing to do, but one can differentiate right from wrong.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 6 – Feed Your Mind With Positive Thoughts
- This chapter will highlight where the author will talk most about positivity and its impact on human behavior and mental health.
- Starting from how positive people stay happier to revealing adverse outcomes negative people face, the details will be narrated here in this 6th
- Moreover, the author will tell the readers that the best food they can serve to their minds is positive thoughts.
- Feeling optimistic, thinking positive will make you do positive things too.
- Not only the people around you will get attracted to you, but they will trust you more too.
- Feeding your mind with positive thoughts will help the decision-making process as well, where you can eliminate the wrong choices relatively quickly.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 7 – Grow Your Mindset
- This chapter will highlight the need to increase acceptability in one’s thoughts.
- Let things go. It’s essential or otherwise, and you will fall into a trap that has no way out. You will start not to let people be around you, not be good against you, not get ahead of you, you will be judgemental, and you will always be unhappy.
- Growing your mindset means letting it not be narrow-minded and conservative.
- You cannot judge people without knowing them. That is what you want for yourself too.
- If you begin to narrow down your mindset, you will be upset about everything, and eventually, there will come a time where nobody will want to get close to you.
- The trick to growing your mind is to start accepting your life and begin staying happy with other people’s success and achievements.
- Secondly, you have to start forgiving people for their mistakes. Give as many benefits of doubts as you can unless they cross a line.
- Letting go is the best solution for your happiness.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 8 – Learning New Things
- This chapter will talk about the significance of keeping your mind healthy and free of negative thoughts.
- They say that a poor diet is a poison for the body, but it’s thinking negatively and being a pessimist for the human mind.
- If you stay away from constantly looking at the wrong side of things, your mind will stay healthy. Staying healthy means that it will always be sharp, with a good memory, and attentive.
- Positive things naturally start happening if one begins to manifest positive results for themselves.
- Say it out loud: “Good things will happen to me today,” & trust me, they will.
- Once you start staying optimistic, you will also begin to learn more and criticize less.
- It’s a win-win situation.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 9 – Learning To Face Your Fears
- This chapter will talk about the need to overcome your fears.
- They say that there is victory after fear.
- It’s not good for humans to continually live behind our fears and never see eye to eye as humans.
- Once we gather the courage not to repel anything, not be afraid or frightened of any person, thing, or phenomenon, then no one can defeat us at any cost.
- Fears are normal. Having fears does not make you weak or any less of a man or a woman. But never trying to overcome and counter your fears can surely take you down. It would lead to a point where it will become your weakness.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link
Chapter 10 – Learning Your Inner Self
- This chapter will discuss how the best thing a person can do for himself has accepted your flaws and keep loving yourself.
- The chapter will give readers a chance to stay positive and let life be lived in its flow.
- Criticizing yourself and being hard on yourself will get you nowhere.
- So many people in this world who have far less than you have, and there will always be more unprovided, more challenged, and more unfortunate than you – so, love what you have right now and stop focusing on what you might not have.
- The chapter will end on a conclusive note.
- A conclusive yet optimistic tone will be opted to let the readers feel motivated and sorted out at the end.
- In the end, a life quote will be inserted that is both motivational and positive.
(Further information will be incorporated based on priority using the provided documents or given reference link)
Chapter 1 – Removing Toxic Energy
- The Book will begin with a physics quote related to Energy.
“Energy cannot be destroyed. It transmits from one source to another and can take various forms.” - The 1st chapter will cover the basic premise of the Book, its purpose and then leave a cliffhanger for the readers to stay interested in what could come next in the chapters.
- The chapter will talk about how every individual on this planet has Energy.
- No matter which gender, age, or status you belong to, you either have a positive or negative energy that you strongly exhibit.
- Another fact with Energy is that it can not be destroyed. It is either transferred from one object to another, one human to another, or takes up various forms one by one.
- Similarly, when a person has negative Energy inside them (meaning that they think negatively, whenever another person comes in close contact with them, their Energy is automatically transferred to them. Hence, we can say that how strongly and quickly a negative person can make YOU harmful.
- That is the reason why negative people must be avoided at all costs. Or else they will leave an impact on you. They will make your positivity into negative (since positive negative is negative, as per physics)
- Moreover, the first chapter will end with a note that there are few things other than reducing toxic people from a life that can help you live a happier life.
Chapter 2 – Changing Perspective
- In this chapter, the tone will change to more provoking and motivational.
- You are the key driver to your success, and no one else in this world can change that in any way.
- You can determine your future regardless of what goes around you.
- We often think that people around us can help us succeed, and there is no one else and no other thing that can help you attain a particular thing. We are wrong. Only we can help ourselves, and it is only us who can surely destroy us as well.
- The trick is to know when to start and when to stop or unless we will never achieve anything in our lives.
- Changing perspectives means refreshing your mind and start thinking unbiasedly.
- If you dwell too much on what others have done and think, then you will get nowhere.
- Staying a believer is the key to let others believe in your dream.
- Furthermore, the need to see life from a neutral perspective is necessary. It aids in guiding you to lead a life that is free of others’ opinions.
Chapter 3 – Removing Negative Beliefs
- This chapter will continue to motivate the readers and tell them how you can eliminate negative beliefs.
- Look for pieces of evidence and facts rather than just being manipulative.
- Being easy will make people get attracted to you and try to put you down.
- They will put words in your ears and make you harmful.
- Moreover, don’t just believe anyone. Don’t be fooled.
- There are evil people, and you might not even be aware of them, so next time someone tries to tell you something about a certain someone, think thrice before you believe it. Please don’t believe it until you see things for yourself. This will help you counter all the bad from your life.
- Following this process will reduce your anxiety levels and make you not doubt yourself.
- Self-love and anxiety are the most harmful things for your mind, and you cannot build anxiety and low self-esteem, especially when you have so much planned for your future.
- Being successful requires a confident mindset.
Chapter 4 – Self Love
- Chapter 4 will have values and the way of treating yourself as the basic premises.
- These two factors play a significant role in your life if you wish to get successful.
- Values mean those certain factors, habits, attitudes, and beliefs that you cannot sacrifice no matter what and how is in front of you.
- It can be lying to someone, harming someone deliberately, or manipulating someone.
- Self-love is significant even to live everyday life. Without it, any man or woman will not be able to live their life peacefully.
- Moreover, people often think and misunderstand self-love as being selfish. It is NOT selfish. It is your right, and there should be no doubt about this.
- Thinking about yourself and making yourself a priority does not mean you are selfish about what you want; you can still care about others.
Chapter 5 – Creating Healthy Routines For Yourself
- This chapter will talk about the significance of having a routine.
- They say that the secret to getting success is being disciplined. If you have specific life principles, you are punctual, and you have a sense of responsibility, then nothing can stop you from achieving whatever you aim for.
- A healthy routine does not only mean eating the right food. It also means to have good and positive habits which have an optimistic impact on your career, mental and emotional well-being.
- Moreover, people are different, so not every way of living can work for everyone. One must identify themselves, study themselves and figure out the best way to become one today.
- Learning things from the people around you and then following in their footsteps Is the best way to utilize the goodness around you.
- Creating a healthy routine is not a difficult or a hefty task, but maintaining it can be tricky.
- So, find a balance, and then stay steadfast and determined to keep it going.
- Finding a balance is a tricky thing to do, but one can differentiate right from wrong.
Chapter 6 – Feed Your Mind With Positive Thoughts
- This chapter will highlight where the author will talk most about positivity and its impact on human behavior and mental health.
- Starting from how positive people stay happier to revealing adverse outcomes negative people face, the details will be narrated here in this 6th
- Moreover, the author will tell the readers that the best food they can serve to their minds is positive thoughts.
- Feeling optimistic, thinking positive will make you do positive things too.
- Not only the people around you will get attracted to you, but they will trust you more too.
- Feeding your mind with positive thoughts will help the decision-making process as well, where you can eliminate the wrong choices relatively quickly.
Chapter 7 – Grow Your Mindset
- This chapter will highlight the need to increase acceptability in one’s thoughts.
- Let things go. It’s essential or otherwise, and you will fall into a trap that has no way out. You will start not to let people be around you, not be good against you, not get ahead of you, you will be judgemental, and you will always be unhappy.
- Growing your mindset means letting it not be narrow-minded and conservative.
- You cannot judge people without knowing them. That is what you want for yourself too.
- If you begin to narrow down your mindset, you will be upset about everything, and eventually, there will come a time where nobody will want to get close to you.
- The trick to growing your mind is to start accepting your life and begin staying happy with other people’s success and achievements.
- Secondly, you have to start forgiving people for their mistakes. Give as many benefits of doubts as you can unless they cross a line.
- Letting go is the best solution for your happiness.
Chapter 8 – Learning New Things
- This chapter will talk about the significance of keeping your mind healthy and free of negative thoughts.
- They say that a poor diet is a poison for the body, but it’s thinking negatively and being a pessimist for the human mind.
- If you stay away from constantly looking at the wrong side of things, your mind will stay healthy. Staying healthy means that it will always be sharp, with a good memory, and attentive.
- Positive things naturally start happening if one begins to manifest positive results for themselves.
- Say it out loud: “Good things will happen to me today,” & trust me, they will.
- Once you start staying optimistic, you will also begin to learn more and criticize less.
- It’s a win-win situation.
Chapter 9 – Learning To Face Your Fears
- This chapter will talk about the need to overcome your fears.
- They say that there is victory after fear.
- It’s not good for humans to continually live behind our fears and never see eye to eye as humans.
- Once we gather the courage not to repel anything, not be afraid or frightened of any person, thing, or phenomenon, then no one can defeat us at any cost.
- Fears are normal. Having fears does not make you weak or any less of a man or a woman. But never trying to overcome and counter your fears can surely take you down. It would lead to a point where it will become your weakness.
Chapter 10 – Learning Your Inner Self
- This chapter will discuss how the best thing a person can do for himself has accepted your flaws and keep loving yourself.
- The chapter will give readers a chance to stay positive and let life be lived in its flow.
- Criticizing yourself and being hard on yourself will get you nowhere.
- So many people in this world who have far less than you have, and there will always be more unprovided, more challenged, and more unfortunate than you – so, love what you have right now and stop focusing on what you might not have.
- The chapter will end on a conclusive note.
- A conclusive yet optimistic tone will be opted to let the readers feel motivated and sorted out at the end.
- In the end, a life quote will be inserted that is both motivational and positive.
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Hi, I'm Latania Johnson.
I'm a Author for
This Book
Latania Johnson, the author to Ten
Ways to Become Your Best Version,
She grew up in Harvey, IL

Latania Motivation
The author of the book 10 Ways to Become Your Best Version, Latania Johnson has done something brilliant with her effort to become a substantial source of self inspiration and self motivation for the people. But to understand the significance of this book by Latania Johnson, one has to know that the positive or negative energy we have gets transferred to others. She explained that this is how our energy defines our personalities. Regardless of your age or gender, you would strongly exhibit either positive or negative energy. Latania Johnson’s philosophy is that you get to know if any person having a negative energy when they meet another person, as it will be transferred causing harm to them. It’s the main reason to avoid negative people in life, as we need to keep our mind healthy. People who remain positive, diligent and upbeat have achieved success in their life. Just simply avoid toxic people in your life. Maybe that is why it’s the first chapter. The emphasis has to be presented in one of the best self help books in the market.
Latania Johnson presents to us that it is essential to eliminate negative beliefs. Under any situation it is vital to make sure to focus on pieces of facts and evidence rather than getting manipulative which is indeed something undesirable. Being pessimistic is a straight road towards self-destruction. Even the smartest and the wisest people could become sour-hearted. Moreover, you have to avoid those people that can fool or harm you. The best thing for you is to remain optimistic in your life. It helps you to have a positive energy and could help other people who interact with you. You don’t have to let negative emotions take charge of you or maybe even control you. The basis of her self help goals is to achieve success in life through a confident mindset. All efforts are needed to avoid self-love and anxiety because there are the most harmful things for the mind, and that begins with one of the best self help books you can buy.
To understand the principles that Latania Johnson presents to us, it is important for not looking at the problem subjectively, or with a strong bias, either with or against it. The human nature is truly capable to be partial about a lot of people, possessions and other things. Whatever situation you experience, it is important to be just and right. By assessing the significance of 10 Ways to Become Your Best Version, you can understand that life will provide you countless opportunities to act wisely and be fair to others. You do not have to hurt other soul as it can leave a negative impact on your mind. You have to get yourself out from a messed equation, it would then become easier from there. Changing perspective can refresh your mind and you can start thinking without any bias. Try your best to see life from a neutral perspective as it could help you a lot in understanding situation of others. The author’s focus on self help begins with us, and looking at ourselves before we move on to the rest.
Selfishness is something that is extremely undesirable, we know that, but Latania Johnson puts even greater emphasis on it. There is no justification for this behavior. It is a situation when a person only thinks about himself. No self help book will tell you to be selfish. It is indeed a negative quality one can have. However, self-love is a different concept as compared to being selfish. Loving yourself is an essence of life. Without it, man and woman can struggle to live peacefully in their life. It is important to remember loving oneself and will not make you a selfish person. The best thing about self-love is that you can attain a respectable place among your loved ones.
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